Welcome to my website !

When i discovered Neocities and the old web, and seeing all the amazing websites people were doing, i decided to make my own. The site is mainly themed after the Kirby franchise, but i also showcase other of my interests. It's also a place for me to create fun things and share it with others (like my javascript CRT TV Simulator). I hope you enjoy my website and if you liked it, you can sign my Guestbook ! You can find my button and other cool websites in the Miscellaneous section :D

Recent Updates

01/09/2024 Hi! Welcome! The BlipStar Website is now ONLINE! If you haven't already, SUBSCRIBE to the BlipStar YouTube channel by clicking this link ⧉. I also added a link to it on the navbar.

This website is Work In Progress! Please report bugs in the GuestBook!